Each ticket sold supports Little Patriots Embraced programs. Each ticket includes a hot dog, chips and soda. Tickets: $20 general admission/lawn $25 field box seats. Affordable family fun that supports military children and families. Grizzlies Ballpark, 2301 Grizzlie Bear Blvd., Sauget. ▪ Little Patriots Embraced Hitting 4 Heroes with the Grizzlies - 5:30 p.m. For info or to join the Zoom meeting, contact Craig at 61. The PAL group provides education, support and hope to family members and loved ones of someone who has an addiction of substance use disorder.

▪ Parents of Addicted Loved Ones - 7-8:30 p.m. Each Tuesday morning a map will be posted on the Highland Parks and Recreation Facebook page showing what vendors will be present. Local farmers, cottage food makers, and crafters will be present to sell a variety of produce, meats, desserts and more. Fun stuff for the kids and live, local music. Spirits provided by 4 Hands Brewing, 1220 Spirits, and the Wine and Cheese Shop. Smoothies and Popsicles provided from Hello Juice. Complimentary flappetizers provided from Hi-Pointe Drive-In, Chicken Out, and Sugarfire Smokehouse. Louis’ top chefs and foodies (confirmed competitors below) to face off over the course of the evening with chicken tender challenges focused on spice and quantity. Part-block party, part-competition, “Fry’er Fest” will challenge some of St. Chicken tender lovers have a chance to chow down and party in the parking lot for one night only. Chicken Out Kirkwood, 10463 Manchester Road, Suite A., Kirkwood, Missouri. Members and children under 16 get in free. and foreign coins, ancient and modern coins, gold and silver bullion, American eagles, paper money. Northfield Center I, 3210 Northfield Drive, Springfield. ▪ Central Illinois Numismatic Association’s 33rd annual Summer Coin Show - 9 a.m. Cod (baked or fried), catfish, shrimp, hush puppies, chicken strips, fries, baked potato, slaw, applesauce. For more info, visit the Highland Parks & Recreation Facebook page.
There will be free PB&J sandwiches, popcorn, family entertainment, food vendors. Spend time with family and friends on Fridays during the summer. ▪ Peanut Butter & Jam Festival - 11:30 a.m. Facilitators: Diane Borawski and Pat Rudloff. The Family Support Meetings are for family members, significant others, and/or friends of persons with a mental health condition. ▪ National Alliance on Mental Illness: Family Support Group - 7-8:30 p.m. No reservations are required, and both the program and the CAS meeting are free and open to the public. Enter the library from the parking lot side and proceed to the basement meeting room for the program and the CAS meeting. The program will be from 6:30-7:30 p.m., followed by a short business meeting 7:30-8:00 p.m. Both will describe the long history of investigations at the site, SCI’s work there, and the site’s apparent connections and parallels to the Illinois Valley Hopewell. The Renner Site is the type site for the Kansas City Hopewell. Don Booth, Senior Archaeologist for SCI Engineering, Inc., to present “Investigations at the Renner Village Site, Riverside, Missouri” (near Kansas City). Collinsville Memorial Public Library, 408 W. ▪ Cahokia Archaeological Society - 6:30-8 p.m.